I'm a freelance photographer based in Berlin. I work on personal as well as assigned projects.
I was born before the fall of the wall in a little village in the East of Germany. My biography reflects the turbulences of the German reunification. Even today I'm still deeply interested in this topic and the subjects of identity (loss, rediscovery), belonging, and collective cultural memories are part of my photographic explorations.
In September 2023 I graduated at Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie in Berlin in the class of Sibylle Fendt. My graduation project "No Man is an Island" was about a small island in the West of Scotland.
(c) Leon Söllner
3.-28.4.2024 - group exhibition «Le Littoral et ses Territoires» Fotohaus Bordeaux, Bordeaux
29.9.-03.12.2023 (extended) - graduation exhibition Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie, Konnekt.Berlin
17.-26.3.2023 - group exhibition "Look at me now", Female Photoclub @ EMOP, Alte Münze, Berlin
10.-31.3.2023 - solo exhibition "Die Schlange", public space, Stadt findet Kunst
2022 - group exhibition F3 Masterclass Portrait, F3-Freiraum für Fotografie, Berlin
2022 - group exhibition Female Photoclub "Look at me now", Berlin Photoweek
2021 - group exhibition „New Normal“, Kommunale Galerie Berlin
2021 - group exhibition „Here Among the Flowers“, The Brick Lane Gallery, London
2020 - online group exhibition „Corona Diaries“, Female Photoclub, Berlin
Stern, Der Spiegel, finanzielle Magazin, Kyodo News Japan, Deutsche Oper, Gesobau AG, Svenska Dagbladet, Irish Times, AD, Sydsvenskan, Urban Nation
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